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Version: 1.1.0 | Published: 14 Feb 2024 | Updated: 350 days ago

Children of the 2020s Longitudinal study - England



Department for Education, released 02 February 2024, ONS SRS Metadata Catalogue, dataset, Children of the 2020s Longitudinal study - England,


Children of the 2020s (COT20s), is a Department for Education (DfE)-funded study focusing on early childhood. It is following a random probability sample of 8,500 children, starting from the age of 9 months in 2022, with plans to conduct annual data collection until the age of 5 years. The overarching aim of the project is to provide robust evidence to inform DfE and wider government policies in relation to early years education and care and family support. The study gathers evidence via questionnaires about parents/carers and their children’s background, behaviours and experiences. The study will build up rich statistical evidence of the highest standard to enable varied analyses and intends to improve our understanding of factors associated with variations in intermediate and longer term learning and wellbeing outcomes for different groups of children. Key topics for data collection include: • Child developmental outcomes • The home environment • Background and context: Parental mental health, wellbeing, relationship quality, social support, demographics and contextual/community variables • Provision/use of services: early childhood education and care, community provision, NHS, social care and third sector service-use • Experiences and life events Sampling: The sample for the Children of the 2020s study was selected from HMRC Child Benefit records for all registered births between September and November 2021. The sample was designed to boost the sample in the most deprived quintile of areas, in order to ensure a large enough sub-sample for analysis of families experiencing economic deprivation. The over-sampling was based on the aggregated Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) scores for lower super output areas (LSOAs). Wave 1 datasets: Wave 1 consisted of a face-to-face quantitative interview with the sampled children’s primary caregiver, defined as the parental figure who spent most time caring for the child, and an online survey with the non-primary caregiver, for which the child’s other parental figure or non-resident parent were eligible, if applicable. There are two wave 1 datasets, one containing the primary caregiver data and another containing the non-primary caregiver data. Future waves: Waves 2 to 5 will take place from 2023 to 2026 and will be deposited as separate datasets when they become available. New waves of data should fall under the same record within the ONS SRS. The researcher is required to specify which waves of data they are requesting as part of their project application in the methodology section on the Research Accreditation Service.



Spatial Coverage:
Geographical Levels:


Start Date:
06 June 2022
Latest Data:
16 January 2023
Distribution Release Date:
02 February 2024



Access and Governance


Condition of Access:
Access needs approval
Condition of Use:
Standard conditions for the use of data in the SRS
Resource Creator:
Office for National Statistics


Access Service:
  • Safe Rooms, SafePods
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – office based
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – remote access
Data Controller:
Department for Education
Access Level:
Access Level 3

Format and Standards
