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Version: 1.1.0 | Published: 5 Nov 2024 | Updated: 88 days ago

The Second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England



Department for Education, released 10 October 2024, ONS SRS Metadata Catalogue, dataset, The Second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England,


The second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE2), known as “Our Future" is a DfE commissioned longitudinal study that began in 2013. This is one of the largest and most challenging studies of young people ever commissioned, building upon the first LSYPE which ran from 2004 to 2010, following young people from the age of 13/14 to 19/20. LSYPE2 began in 2013 and has commenced annually until 2021, covering ages 13/14 (Year 9) to 21/22 years old. The aims of the study are: • to follow a sample of young people through the final years of compulsory education. • to follow their transition from compulsory education to other forms of education, training, employment and other activities. • to collect information about their career paths and about the factors affecting them. • to provide a strategic evidence base about the lives and experiences of young people. The breadth of topics asked about in LSYPE2 is wide-ranging and covers, for example, educational experiences as well as health, risky behaviours, future plans, employment and use of leisure time. This provides a holistic view of the young person’s life, and the role of education within it. Data was also collected from the young person’s caregivers (wave 1-3) which allows LSYPE2 to link information about parental background and socio-economic status, as well as parental views on their children’s lives, to the data from the young people. Waves 1-3 of the survey interviewed young people and their parents using face-to-face and telephone interviews. At Wave 4, when participants were aged 16/17, young people were interviewed individually using a sequential mixed-mode method. Web, telephone and face-to-face surveys have been used from Wave 4 onwards. The study has now concluded fieldwork for its ninth wave. As well as gathering important information on young people’s experiences of transitioning out of Higher Education or other training routes (e.g., Apprenticeships), it collected timely information on the impact of Covid-19 on young people’s lives and current activities. Sample design: The young people in LSYPE2 were sampled through a two-stage process. Schools were sampled first, followed by the pupils within those schools. The sample includes young people in local authority (LA) maintained schools, academies an independent schools, but for practical reasons excludes small schools and overseas students. It includes special schools as well as mainstream provision. This sample was designed to ensure the widest feasible perspective on young people’s experiences. Sample boosts: The sample design boosted some groups of particular interest as follows: • Young people eligible for free school meals • Young people with special education needs Future waves: Wave 10 of the study should take place in 2024 and be ready for deposit 25/26



Spatial Coverage:
Geographical Levels:
  • LEA
  • lsoa01
  • lsoa11
  • region


Start Date:
01 January 2013
Latest Data:
31 December 2021
Distribution Release Date:
10 October 2024


  • Study
  • Longitudinal

Access and Governance


Condition of Access:
Access needs approval
Condition of Use:
Special statistical disclosure rules
Resource Creator:
Office for National Statistics


Access Service:
  • Safe Rooms, SafePods
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – office based
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – remote access
Data Controller:
Department for Education
Access Level:
Access Level 3

Format and Standards
