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Version: 1.1.3 | Published: 14 Sep 2023 | Updated: 505 days ago

Virus Watch - England and Wales



University College London, released 19 May 2022, ONS SRS Metadata Catalogue, dataset, Virus Watch - England and Wales,


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has caused millions of deaths and impacted lives around the world with the closure of schools, workplaces, and limitations on freedom of movement. Vaccines and effective scalable treatments for COVID-19 have been discovered and require evaluation in terms of their longer term effectiveness, and whilst this work is ongoing we will need to rely on other measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. Working out which of these approaches are most likely to help and whether measures that are introduced are working, needs large studies of COVID in the community. Virus Watch data will help to inform NHS planning and the national public health response. It is one of a small number of studies nationally to be identified by the NIHR as an Urgent Public Health COVID-19 Study. Virus Watch will provide data relevant to a wide range of audiences involved in pandemic response. Virus Watch has collected personal and special category data. Data shared for processing for use within the ONS Secure Research Service will be de-identified data. We will share data from the study that falls under the following categories: Baseline survey – the baseline survey collects basic demographic information including sex, date of birth, age in years, ethnicity. It also includes details of the household structure, socioeconomic status including household income. The survey also collects health data used for the study including existing medical conditions (general and COVID-related) and access to health during the pandemic. A number of behaviours activities, contact with others and social distancing during the pandemic are also collected. Weekly survey – the weekly survey collects data about any illnesses within the household during each week and the results of any COVID tests performed. The survey collects information on behaviours during illness of the household. Since Jan 2021, the weekly survey has also collected data on vaccination status of household members. Monthly surveys – the monthly surveys collect regular data on contact patterns of household throughout the pandemic, regardless of symptoms or illnesses in the household. Each month additional bespoke questions have been asked in the monthly surveys in order to inform important policy questions at the time, including – vaccination intention, household overcrowding status, occupational health data, changes to income and employment, understanding of public health guidance, mental health questions on anxiety and depression, and updated clinical risk factors. Laboratory data – the laboratory data includes information on the results of antibody tests for a subset of participants including nucleocapsid and spike antibody levels. It also includes PCR results for participants that took part in home COVID testing for Virus Watch. Virus Watch will not be sharing Geolocation data from participants linked to national COVID testing, vaccination, hospitalisation and death data



Spatial Coverage:
  • England
  • Wales
Geographical Levels:


Start Date:
24 June 2020
Latest Data:
16 March 2022
Distribution Release Date:
19 May 2022



Access and Governance


Condition of Access:
Standard access conditions for the use of data in the SRS
Condition of Use:
Standard conditions for the use of data in the SRS
Resource Creator:
Office for National Statistics


Access Service:
  • Safe Rooms, SafePods
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – office based
  • Assured Organisational Connectivity – remote access
Data Controller:
University College London
Access Level:
Access Level 3

Format and Standards
