Ofqual data includes information on each GCSE and A level qualification as provided by awarding organisations and taken by pupils in England, regardless of their age. The backbone of this data is the "summer awarding" data that is collected for each qualification taken by pupils prior to grades being issued to centres and students in August each year. The qualifications dataset includes detailed information on the qualifications taken , as well as granular data on pupils' attainment. Information about pupils is also contained in this dataset. For 2020 each entry was associated with a centre assessment grade and calculated grade, which were used to determine the awarded grade. These alternative grading approaches is also included, along with details of pupils' prior attainment. Ofqual data features two more data tables: a centres dataset with key information on the school or college attended, a grade boundaries dataset which allows to interpret the marks in the main qualifications dataset.
The National Pupil Database is compiled for the Department for Education (DfE) from data supplied by local authorities, centres and awarding organisations. The NPD is a collection of data covering all pupils within schools in England up to the age of 19. There are four main extracts of the NPD shared. The NPD exam results datasets contain pupil-level results data. It includes aggregated achievement indicators. The NPD pupil datasets contain data on pupils, including demographic and protected characteristics, such as gender, age, language spoken, free school meal eligibility and special educational needs. Information on the centre attended by pupils is also available. Additional information on pupils is also available in the census datasets. This includes further socio-demographic characteristics and socio-economic indicators. The NPD also contains data on pupils' prior attainment including achievement indicators, teacher assessments and test results for Key Stages 1 and 2.
UCAS data is based on the information gathered to operate the university admissions process. This includes data submitted by applicants to the UCAS undergraduate scheme and by the HE institution receiving prospective students' applications. UCAS data features three main data tables. The applicant dataset contains information on applicants to the UCAS undergraduate scheme. For each applicant, this dataset includes data on demographic characteristics and socioeconomic characteristics. The apply qualifications dataset is at qualification level and contains information on qualifications declared by the applicant during their application. This includes the A level grades predicted by teachers. The applications dataset contains the data included in the application made by each applicant, the offer made by each HE provider and the response from the applicant.